

Sustainable Urban Garden Project

Designing and implementing a garden that contributes to urban sustainability.

Site Analysis

Assessment of the physical attributes of the project location.

Climate Considerations

Selecting plants that are suitable for local weather patterns and temperature ranges.

Soil Examination

Testing the soil for nutrients and contaminants to determine if amendments are needed.

### Sunlight and Shade Mapping Identifying

Organizing Daily Activities

Creating a structured approach to categorize, prioritize, and accomplish daily tasks.

Morning Routine

Setting up for a productive day.

Wake Up Rituals

Starting the day with consistency.

Health & Wellness

Exercising, meditating, and having a healthy breakfast.

Daily Goals Review

Aligning day’s tasks with long-term objectives.

Priority Setting

Identifying key tasks for the day.

Work / Professional Tasks

Managing professional responsibilities effectively.

Important Meetings

Preparing agendas and gathering necessary materials.

Project Work

Dedicated time blocks for focused work.


Allocating time for emails and phone calls.


Short intervals for rest and recharging.

Personal Projects

Advancing personal goals and hobbies.

Skill Development

Spending time learning or improving a skill.

Hobby Time

Allocating time for personal enjoyment.

Home Projects

Managing household tasks or DIY activities.

Evening Routine

Winding down and preparing for the next day.

Family Time

Quality moments spent with loved ones.

Planning for Tomorrow

Outlining next day’s activities.


Activities to relax the mind and body.

Sleep Preparation

Ensuring a restful night’s sleep.

Did you know some of our cool inventions came from observing nature? Let's start with Velcro! George de Mestral got the idea when he had to remove burrs stuck to his dog’s fur. He examined them under a microscope and discovered how they hook onto things, which led to the creation of Velcro.

Next, meet the kingfisher bird! Its sharp beak inspired the design of high-speed trains in Japan. Engineers copied the beak’s shape to make the trains faster and quieter as they zoom through tunnels, just like the bird diving into water.

This shows how looking at the ways birds are built helps us to improve our own inventions. The kingfisher's beak helps to reduce noise and save energy, which is super important for our environment and for making cool, fast trains!

Let's think about how we can use shapes and designs from animals to solve problems. Maybe you've seen something in nature that can inspire your own invention? Keep your eyes open – ideas are everywhere!

Spiders create webs that are strong and sticky. Their silk has inspired materials that are both tough and lightweight. These materials can be used for things like making strong ropes and even bulletproof vests! Isn't that amazing?

Shark skin has tiny grooves that reduce drag in the water, making sharks fast swimmers. Engineers have used this pattern to create swimsuits for athletes that help them glide through water better, improving their speed.

But that’s not all! This pattern is also used in hospitals, on surfaces and materials, to prevent bacteria from sticking – keeping things cleaner and safer!

Think about how the smooth and groovy patterns on things around you might be inspired by a shark's skin. Next time you’re swimming, imagine how shark skin helps to move quickly and smoothly!

Have you ever watched a gecko walk up a wall? Their feet have special hairs that allow them to stick to surfaces without any liquid or sticky stuff. This has led to the creation of tapes and glues that mimic the gecko’s amazing ability to climb.

Buildings and architecture can also take cues from nature. The Eastgate Centre in Zimbabwe uses a design inspired by termite mounds to stay cool without air conditioning. Termites are great at keeping their homes cool, and we can learn a lot from their design skills!

Thanks to termites, the building uses less energy, which is both good for saving money and the planet. By studying the way termites build and regulate temperatures, architects made a building that is smart and sustainable.

Can you think of a way to keep your home cool or warm inspired by animals or insects? Maybe you could invent something new by copying their homes or nests!

Here’s a fun activity! Find a plant with burrs and gently touch them to your clothes. See how they stick? That’s nature’s own Velcro. Think about how this idea turned into an invention we use every day - isn't it cool how nature gives us helpful hints?

Lotus flowers are water repellent, meaning they don’t get wet or dirty. They stay clean because of the microscopic bumps on their surface. This has inspired self-cleaning paints and coatings for cars and buildings!

This special paint is just like the lotus flower, making things easy to clean and more resistant to dirt. It's called the "Lotus Effect", and it's pretty awesome that a simple flower can lead to such a handy invention.

Now, can you find more ways how plants and animals inspire us? Look around, and you might think of the next big invention! Mother Nature is full of surprises, and we can always learn from her. Keep exploring and be amazed by what you find!

Understanding Prefixes: "pre-", "mis-", "dis-"

Exploring the meanings and usage of common English prefixes.

Prefix "pre-"

Denotes 'before' in time or order.

Meaning of "pre-"

Implies a timeframe that precedes another event.

Examples of "pre-"

Usage of "pre-"

Often used in planning and scheduling contexts.

Impact of "pre-"

Sets stage for understanding chronological relationships.

Prefix "mis-"

Indicates a wrong or mistaken action.

Meaning of "mis-"

Conveys error or incorrectness.

Examples of "mis-"

Usage of "mis-"

Common in contexts of communication and behavior.

Impact of "mis-"

Highlights the concept of inaccuracy or misconception.

Prefix "dis-"

Suggests a negation, reversal, or removal.

Meaning of "dis-"

Implies opposition or negation of an action or state.

Examples of "dis-"

Usage of "dis-"

Frequently found in discussions of conflict and relationships.

Impact of "dis-"

Emphasizes the nullification or cessation of a quality or state.

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Frame 10

Prefixes are critical building blocks in the English language that modify the meanings of words. "pre-", "mis-", and "dis-" are common prefixes that can entirely change how we interpret a word.

"pre-" typically sets the stage for something that comes before in time, laying the groundwork for understanding sequences and chronology.

Conversely, "mis-" and "dis-" serve to alter the context of a word by signaling error, opposition, or negation, which is significant in many aspects of communication.

The prefix "pre-" like in "preview" or "predict," immediately signals that something is before or ahead in time. It’s often associated with preparation or anticipation, suggesting an action that precedes another.

Knowing the power of "pre-" helps readers and listeners anticipate what is coming next, making it easier to understand timelines and progressions within a narrative or explanation.

This prefix is deeply embedded in our understanding of timelines and chronology, shaping how we plan and comprehend information that is related to time.

The prefix "mis-" often flies under the radar but it has a powerful role in indicating that something went wrong. Words like "misinterpret," "misplace," and "mislead" all point to a mistake or incorrect action, usually related to behavior or communication.

The prefix "mis-" hints at error or a lack of correctness, suggesting that a word’s base meaning has been compromised or altered due to a mistaken action or belief.

The use of "mis-" is particularly common in scenarios where there's a deviation from the norm, whether in actions like "misjudge" or in communications with words like "misinform."

This prefix can carry a negative connotation, highlighting inaccuracy or misconception that has genuine impacts, especially in social or personal interactions.

Moving on from "mis-", the prefix "dis-" frequently shows up in words to signal a reversal, negation, or removal, such as in "disagree," "disappear," or "disconnect."

Whenever "dis-" is applied to a word, it suggests opposition, speaking directly to the confrontational or contradictory nature of a situation.

It is a prefix that undoes something else, representing a powerful linguistic tool for expressing the undoing or cancelling of actions.

The negative form created by "dis-" often implies an active process of removing or turning away from a particular state or engagement, reinforcing its dynamic nature in language.
