
Django Web Development

Django Web Development

Django is a high-level Python web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design.

Core Principles

Django is designed to help developers take applications from concept to completion as quickly as possible.

DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself)

Encourages the reduction of code duplication.

Convention Over Configuration

Django has default configurations that facilitate quicker development cycles.


Easily scalable to handle increasing traffic or database growth.


Provides built-in protection against many security threats.

Primary Components

Django consists of several components which are vital for web development.

ORM (Object-Relational Mapper)

Allows developers to interact with databases using Python code instead of SQL.

URL Dispatcher

Matches browser requests to the appropriate Python function (view).

Template Engine

Facilitates the generation of dynamic HTML content with a backend-driven approach.


Handles the creation and processing of web forms, including validation and error handling.

Development Process

Outlines the typical steps and tools used in Django development.

Project Structure

Defines the organization of settings, URL confs, and app directories.

Development Server

Includes a lightweight server for local testing and development.


Supports a testing framework to ensure code quality and reliability.


Tools and practices for moving a Django application to a production server.


Django can be extended with additional tools and applications.


Reusable modules that can be plugged into various projects.


Hooks for global functionalities such as session management and caching.

Third-party Packages

The Django ecosystem has a large selection of packages for extended functionality.

REST API with Django Rest Framework

Facilitates building web APIs for web services and client-server interfaces.

Community Support

Wide and active community support that contributes to the framework's growth.


Comprehensive and meticulously maintained official documentation.

Forums and Q&A

Channels like Django-users mailing list, Stack Overflow, and Reddit.


Events like DjangoCon for community members to collaborate and learn.

Development Sprints

Opportunities for contributors to work together on Django's development.

Understanding URL Dispatcher

The URL Dispatcher is a crucial component in web frameworks that match incoming browser requests to the correct server-side functions or views.

Role in Web Frameworks

The URL Dispatcher acts as a gatekeeper, ensuring that HTTP requests reach their intended destinations within the application.

Request Routing

Routes incoming requests based on URL patterns specified by the developer.

Pattern Matching

Utilizes regular expressions or path converters to map URLs to views.

HTTP Methods Handling

Handles different HTTP methods (GET, POST, etc.) and directs them appropriately.


A URL Dispatcher typically consists of several key parts that work together to process requests.

URL Patterns

Defined routes that specify the endpoint's URL structure and its corresponding view function.


Functions that receive HTTP requests and return HTTP responses based on the URL pattern matched.


Intermediate processing steps that can modify the request/response cycle before reaching the view.


Setting up the URL Dispatcher involves several configuration steps.

Defining URL Conf

Creating a file or module where URL patterns and associated views are listed.

Path Declaration

Using functions or classes to map URL patterns to views, often via a 'urlpatterns' list.


Organizing URLs by application or functionality to prevent conflicts and improve modularity.

Working with Requests

Once a URL pattern is matched, the Dispatcher interacts with the request object in several ways.

Extracting Parameters

Pulls dynamic parts (parameters) from the URL to pass them to the view function.

Response Generation

The view processes the request and the Dispatcher sends the response back to the client.

Redirect Handling

Manages redirections if the requested URL pattern dictates a move to a different endpoint.
