
Networking dans le domaine de la santé

This is done any time someone asks what you do for a living or even if you present yourself at an event or networking occasion. 􀂀 (Me)- I own a wellness clinic. We help people get rid of problems like headaches, neck pain, back pain , allergies/asthma, digestive troubles, fertility issues, knee pain and anything they are suffering with. 􀂀 (Me)- We use Acupuncture, herbs, body therapies like cupping, and other body techniques. 􀂀 (Them)- That sounds interesting. 􀂀 (Me)- Yea its great, I have helped a lot of people get their lives back. Have you ever tried acupuncture? 􀂀 (Them)- No. 􀂀 (Me)- Oh really? Well do you suffer with any health issues ? 􀂀 (Them)- Yes, I have ____________(symptoms) 􀂀 (Me)- Oh really? 􀂀 How long have you had it? _________________________________ How often do you feel it?__________________________________________________ 􀂀 That’s not good. 􀂀 What does it feel like when its at its worst? _____________________ What makes it worse. What are you doing that makes you really feel your pain more?________________________________________ 􀂀 You need to come in for an assessment to see if we can help you. Here is my card. Call and make an appointment. The evaluation and assessment it at no charge. In fact, let me get your number and I can have my staff call you to make an appointment. ( If its just you then you can schedule them right then and there. If at an event you always want to be ready to schedule)

This is done any time someone asks what you do for a living or even if you present yourself at an event or networking occasion. 􀂀 (Me)- I own a wellness clinic. We help people get rid of problems like headaches, neck pain, back pain , allergies/asthma, digestive troubles, fertility issues, knee pain and anything they are suffering with. 􀂀 (Me)- We use Acupuncture, herbs, body therapies like cupping, and other body techniques. 􀂀 (Them)- That sounds interesting. 􀂀 (Me)- Yea its great, I have helped a lot of people get their lives back. Have you ever tried acupuncture? 􀂀 (Them)- No. 􀂀 (Me)- Oh really? Well do you suffer with any health issues ? 􀂀 (Them)- Yes, I have ____________(symptoms) 􀂀 (Me)- Oh really? 􀂀 How long have you had it? _________________________________ How often do you feel it?__________________________________________________ 􀂀 That’s not good. 􀂀 What does it feel like when its at its worst? _____________________ What makes it worse. What are you doing that makes you really feel your pain more?________________________________________ 􀂀 You need to come in for an assessment to see if we can help you. Here is my card. Call and make an appointment. The evaluation and assessment it at no charge. In fact, let me get your number and I can have my staff call you to make an appointment. ( If its just you then you can schedule them right then and there. If at an event you always want to be ready to schedule)

Networking dans le domaine de la santé

Expliquer ce que vous faites lors d'événements ou de rencontres.

Identité professionnelle

Présentez votre rôle et votre entreprise.


Je suis propriétaire d'une clinique de bien-être.

Services offerts

Traitement de maux de tête, douleurs au cou, allergies, etc.

Techniques utilisées

Acupuncture, herbes, thérapies corporelles comme le cupping.

Engagement dans la conversation

Interagir avec l'autre personne en montrant de l'intérêt.


Leur réaction initiale à votre présentation.


Poser des questions pour engager l'autre personne.


Répondre à vos questions sur leur santé.

Problèmes de santé

Comprendre et aborder les problèmes de santé de la personne.


Identifier les symptômes que la personne expérimente.

Durée et Fréquence

Demander depuis combien de temps et à quelle fréquence ils ressentent les symptômes.

Proposition d'aide

Offrir vos services pour aider la personne avec ses problèmes de santé.

Évaluation gratuite

Proposer une évaluation sans frais.

Échange de coordonnées

Donner votre carte et obtenir le numéro de la personne.

Prise de rendez-vous

Inscrire la personne pour un rendez-vous.


Si possible, prendre un rendez-vous immédiatement.


Si dans un événement, être prêt à planifier plus tard.
