
Presentatie Techday

Understanding the Audience

Firstly, it's vital to have an understanding of the demographic of your audience. As your audience is aged between 20 to 50, you have a vast difference in technological awareness, work experience, and understanding of AI. Use simple language and build up the knowledge base gradually, starting from the basics of AI like machine learning and neural networks.

Social Interactions and AI

Incorporate examples that explain how AI is playing a role in our social interactions, such as the use of AI in social media algorithms and chatbots in customer service. Highlight the impacts of these on our lives - both positive (efficiency, convenience) and negative (privacy concerns, job displacement).

AI in the Workplace

Discuss how AI is shaping the workplace. Illustrate both sides of the AI debate - the enhancement and automation it can provide versus the fear of job loss. You might cite examples of AI creating new job opportunities like AI ethics officer or AI trainer.

Future of AI

Showcase a vision of the future with AI - from autonomous vehicles to AI in healthcare. Do discuss the ethical questions it opens up and the need for appropriate regulations. Convey that the future with AI is not just about technology development but also involves careful consideration of societal values and legal aspects.

Attractive and Compelling Examples

Use compelling real-world examples and case studies to illustrate your points throughout the presentation. Include graphics and portray an enthusiastic tone to maintain engagement. Be sure to clearly communicate the relevance and implications of AI for the audience's daily life and future.

Engaging and Informative Closing

As you close your presentation, reiterate the significant points and impacts of AI on personal lives and the workplace. Inspire the audience to continue learning and getting involved in AI. Remind them that though we do not yet know all AI will bring, we must be prepared and aware. Finish on a high note by encouraging the audience to step into the future and embrace the changes AI will bring.

AI in Social Media Algorithms

AI plays a significant role in shaping our social media interactions. For instance, social media platforms use AI algorithms to analyze our online behavior and preferences, tailoring content that aligns with our interests. This personalization not only makes our social media experience more engaging but also optimizes ad targeting for businesses.

Chatbots in Customer Service

Another application of AI in our social interactions is the use of chatbots in customer service. Chatbots can handle multiple inquiries simultaneously, offering round-the-clock assistance. This increases the efficiency and convenience of customer support, enhancing customer satisfaction.

Positive Impacts of AI in Social Interactions

The incorporation of AI in our social lives brings several benefits. Its application in social media and customer service increases engagement, improves user experience, and boosts business performance. Additionally, AI automation allows people to delegate repetitive tasks, granting them more time for other duties.

Negative Impacts of AI in Social Interactions

Despite the benefits, AI also comes with downsides. One significant concern is privacy, as AI algorithms require data to function, thus raising issues about user data handling. Additionally, the rise of AI can lead to job displacement, with automated systems potentially replacing human roles in certain fields.

AI in Social Media

Facebook uses AI to personalize user's news feed and suggest posts, groups, and friends to connect with. It also employs AI chatbots in its Messenger app to assist in customer service.

AI in Customer Service

Many businesses use AI chatbots for their customer service. For instance, Amazon uses Alexa to help customers track their packages, place orders, and answer common queries.

AI Automation in Everyday Tasks

AI voice assistants like Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant perform repetitive tasks such as setting alarms, making phone calls, or playing music, saving time for users to focus on other tasks.

Real-life Example of Privacy Loss

Facebook's Cambridge Analytica scandal is a notable example where user data was mishandled, potentially influenced by AI algorithms. The violation affected approximately 87 million Facebook users, where their personal data was allegedly used to manipulate the 2016 U.S. Elections.

Real-life Example of Job Displacement

Amazon's use of AI-powered robots in their warehouses is an example of job displacement. These AI-powered robots perform tasks such as packing and shipping items, roles typically performed by humans. This has led to a reduction in the need for human workforce in their supply chain.

Real-life Example of Decreased Social Interactions

The use of AI in customer service, such as AI bots or virtual assistants, is reducing the need for human-to-human interaction. Businesses like banks and retail stores often use chatbots for customer inquiries, thus lessening the need for physical social interactions.

Real Life Example of AI in Facebook

Facebook uses AI algorithms extensively to personalize user feeds. The AI studies user's behavior such as the posts they like, share, or comment on. It then optimizes the feed to show more of such posts, thereby creating a more engaging user experience.

AI Use in Instagram's Explore Tab

Instagram uses AI to fill your 'Explore' tab with content that it believes you will find interesting. The AI studies the images/videos you've liked and engaged with, to determine which new content you might like.

Twitter's Use of AI for Ad Targeting

Twitter uses AI to optimize ad targeting. It analyses users' tweets, the accounts they follow, and their interactions to effectively target ads, giving businesses a better return on ad spend.

Efficiency and Round-the-Clock Assistance

Many studies show that the continuous availability of chatbots and their ability to handle multiple inquiries simultaneously can significantly enhance the efficiency of customer support.

Customer Satisfaction

Several research findings indicate that chatbots result in increased customer satisfaction by providing instant responses and resolving queries promptly.

Customers' Experience with Chatbots

A number of studies reveal mixed customer experiences. While some customers appreciate the instantaneous responses, others feel frustrated when a chatbot fails to understand their query or provides irrelevant responses.

AI Influence in Workplace

AI is significantly shaping the workplace by enhancing automation. It is being seen as a game changer across various industries due to its ability to perform complex tasks with efficiency and accuracy.

The Debate over AI in the Workplace

There is an ongoing debate about AI in the workplace. While some perceive AI technology as a tool that will increase productivity and convenience, others fear that it could result in massive job losses due to automation.

AI Creating New Job Opportunities

On a positive note, AI is not only automating tasks but also creating new job opportunities. Roles such as AI ethics officer and AI trainer are emerging, which involve monitoring the ethical use of AI applications and training AI models respectively.

Emerging AI-Related Jobs in 2023

AI-related occupations are expanding and diversifying in 2023, providing new opportunities for individuals interested in the field. Here are ten examples:

  1. AI Ethics Officer: Responsible for ensuring ethical use of AI tools in companies.

  2. AI trainer: These professionals teach AI models how to perform tasks.

  3. AI Data Analyst: Individuals who interpret and analyze data collected by AI.

  4. AI Solution Architect: They design AI solution frameworks for businesses.

  5. AI Operations Analyst: They ensure smooth running of AI technologies in an organization.

  6. AI Technology Software Engineer: These individuals code and program AI software.

  7. AI Information Security Analyst: They protect AI systems from cyber threats.

  8. Conversational AI Designer: Create AI-powered chatbots and voice assistants.

  9. AI research scientist: They conduct research to innovate and make advancements in AI.

  10. Machine Learning Engineer: They design and implement machine learning algorithms.

Requirements for AI-related Jobs

Specific skills and qualifications may vary between different AI-related roles. However, general requirements can include a degree in computer science or a related field, proficiency in languages such as Python or Java, a strong understanding of machine learning algorithms, and experience with AI-related software and tools. In addition, soft skills like problem-solving, critical thinking, and communication are also important. Each role may demand specific additional skills. For example, an AI Ethics Officer should have knowledge of ethical considerations in AI, while an AI Data Analyst needs proficiency in data interpretation.

Helpful Skills for AI Careers

Helpful skills for AI careers often include proficiency in mathematics, statistics, and programming, along with strong data analysis capabilities. Familiarity with AI frameworks and libraries like TensorFlow or PyTorch, a solid understanding of machine learning and deep learning principles, and experience with cloud platforms like AWS and Azure can also be beneficial. Knowledge of natural language processing, image processing, or robotics may be necessary for some roles.

Importance of Continuous Learning in AI

Given the rapidly evolving nature of AI, continuous learning is a must in this field. Following the latest AI research, attending conferences and workshops, and seeking certifications can help individuals stay current in the field.

Autonomous Vehicles

AI empowered autonomous vehicles will transform transportation, easing traffic congestion but also raising questions about safety and vehicle decision-making in crisis situations.

AI in Healthcare

AI in diagnosis and treatment holds immense potential for improving patient care, while also posing ethical debates on patient privacy and data security.

Personalized Education

AI can potentially bring personalized adaptive learning, making education accessible and efficient, yet reveals dilemmas about data privacy and equality in education opportunities.

Robots in Elderly Care

Robots could help the elderly lead better lives, but there are ethical considerations around dependency and the loss of human contact.

AI in Job Market

AI might automate many existing jobs, which brings economic value but also questions about reskilling workforce and income inequality.

AI in Law Enforcement

AI helps to predict crime, but it probes concerns over privacy and potential misuse of data.

AI in News Media

AI in news can help sort through vast data, but there are concerns about spreading of fake news and undermining professional journalism.

AI in Agriculture

Precision farming through AI can optimize resource usage, but there are concerns about small farmers and land ownership.

AI in Entertainment Industry

AI can create hyper-personalized content, but it can infringe on creative rights and create echo chambers.

AI in Environmental Conservation

AI can track environmental changes accurately, but it can lead to excessive surveillance and conflict with indigenous rights.

AI Technology 1: IBM Watson Health

IBM's Watson Health leverages AI to analyze a variety of healthcare data to generate insights for more informed decisions. [Find more information and images here](https://www.ibm.com/watson/health/)

AI Technology 2: Google's DeepMind Health

Google's DeepMind Health is making strides in AI aided diagnosis and personalized treatment. [Find more information and images here](https://deepmind.com/applied/deepmind-health/)

AI Technology 3: Tempus

Tempus uses AI for the collection and analysis of clinical and molecular data for personalized care in oncology. [Find more information and images here](https://www.tempus.com/)

AI Technology 4: PathAI

PathAI is developing technology to assist pathologists with image-based diagnostics. [Find more information and images here](https://www.pathai.com/)

AI Technology 5: Zebra Medical Vision

Zebra Medical Vision provides AI-based tools for radiology and imaging. [Find more information and images here](https://www.zebra-med.com/)

Embrace Future Changes

Conclude your presentation on an upbeat note, motivating your audience to step into the future and embrace the changes AI will bring. Remind them that while we are still in the process of understanding all that AI can offer, it's necessary to be prepared and insightful.

AI Use Case: Customer Service

AI-powered chatbots and voice assistants are revolutionizing customer service, by providing 24/7 support, immediate responses and personalized service.

Encourage Continuous Learning

You should inspire your audience to continue their journey in understanding and leveraging AI. Encouraging them to delve deeper into the subject matter can ensure their preparedness in the face of AI advancements.

Encouraging AI Involvement

Boost the interest levels of your audience when it comes to AI. Let them understand that continuing to learn and participate in AI advancements is crucial. Highlight the fact that while the full breadth of AI's potential isn't known yet, being well-prepared and aware is wise.

Claim Processing Automation

AI can greatly enhance the efficiency of processing claims in an insurance company by automating data analysis and decision-making, which can be a time-consuming process if done by humans. This leads to faster claim resolutions and happier customers.
