
Wearable devices

Syncing Across Platforms

Making data available across devices ensures efficient monitoring.

Mobile Access

Access real-time gait data on the go via smartphones.

Web Access

View detailed gait reports and historical data on larger screens.

Cross-Platform Sync

Seamless experience when switching between different devices.

Changing Metrics

Switch the focus of displayed metrics through voice commands while running.

Wearable Gait Analysis Interaction

Practitioners' vision for engaging with wearable gait analysis devices.

Voice Controls

Hands-free operation enhances convenience during physical activities.


Provides easier interaction for those with mobility or visual impairments.


Quicker adjustments mean less downtime and distraction.

Display Options

Optimizing data visualization for different contexts is crucial.

Smartwatch Simplicity

Immediate feedback with basic data on a wristwatch during activity.

Detailed Analysis

Comprehensive insights provided on larger screens post-activity.

Customizable Displays

Allowing users to choose which metrics to display can improve personal relevance.

Integration with Apps

Enhancing the device's utility by connecting it with existing systems.

Coaching Apps

Sync with coaching software for tailored training programs.

Health Records

Integrate with EHRs for better monitoring of patient progress.

Data Sharing

Facilitates collaboration between patients, athletes, and healthcare professionals.

Injury Tagging

Accurate reporting on the physical condition during activity.

Pain Occurrences

Log when and where pain or injuries occur during a run.

Data Correlation

Allows for correlating pain points with specific gait patterns.

Recovery Monitoring

Track recovery progress by observing changes in gait associated with injury.


Understanding Wearable Tech

Participants varied in their understanding of wearable technology. While some were unfamiliar or did not use it, others actively used devices like fitness trackers. The essence was identified as portability and data collection during activities such as running. This diverse familiarity affects how practitioners leverage tech in gait analysis.

The Experience Spectrum

Experience with wearables ranged from none to extensive among practitioners. Garmin watches and Fitbits were commonly used, with experiences shaped by roles—some used devices for study, others for coaching. This highlights the spectrum of wearable tech engagement across different professional fields.

Motivations to use wearables included exercise tracking, injury prevention, and performance enhancement. Design, cost, accuracy, and privacy were factors influencing adoption. Wearables serve as a tool for motivating and quantifying running aspects, underscoring their multifaceted role in sports and health.

Decisions to use wearables were centered on comfort, ease of use, and potential to enhance running. The importance of an unobtrusive, seamless experience was emphasized, indicating a significant preference for technology that melds into the running experience without causing inconvenience.

Desired Design Qualities

Practitioners prioritized comfort in wearable design, favoring devices that don't inhibit movement or cause discomfort. The integration of comprehensive sensors for real-time feedback was deemed essential to obtain valuable running biomechanics insights, shaping the expectations for an ideal gait analysis device.

Preferences emerged for wristband form factors over shoe inserts or ankle bands, highlighting comfort and usability as crucial design elements. This preference stems from the desire for a frictionless incorporation of technology into users' routines and daily usage patterns.

The overall expectation was that gait analysis devices would combine comfort with sophisticated technology that wouldn't overwhelm the user. Advanced technology should provide precise analysis while remaining user-friendly, ensuring that the device supports rather than hinders the running experience.


Wearable Gait Analysis Technology

Exploring practitioners’ perceptions and key findings in the usage of wearable technology for running gait analysis.

Participants shared concerns about data accuracy and possible misinterpretations, stressing the importance of reliable measurements. User trust is crucial, and a balance is needed between offering advanced data analysis and ensuring the data's accuracy and reliability.


Objective assessment integration and the disconnect between research and its practical application.

Experience of Wearable Technology

Encountering diverse levels of understanding and use among practitioners.

Understanding Wearable Tech

Identifying wearables as portable devices for data collection during activities.

Usage Variance

Ranging from no use to frequent use for data like fitness tracking and analysis.

Privacy, Security, and Cost

Motivation for Use

Desire for feedback, performance enhancement, and injury prevention.

Factors Influencing Use

Comfort, ease of use, and potential for enhancing the running experience.

Privacy and data security were significant concerns, with discussions on the need for secure data storage and handling practices. Ensuring transparency and giving users control over their data via informed consent was discussed as vital measures to boost confidence in wearable technologies.

Design of Wearable Technology

Aligning practitioners' design expectations with user comfort and technological advancement.

Design Features

Integration of sensors for advanced data collection and real-time analysis.

Form Factor Preferences

Wristband devices for comfort and wearable socks or clothing sensors for convenience.

Opinions on cost varied, from affordability being crucial for basic consumer tech to willingness to pay more for advanced features and reliable data. Ongoing subscriptions drew mixed feelings, favoring optional services that add clear value over mandatory, continuous fees.

Data and Insights

Seeking useful metrics and visualization to understand and improve gait.

Preferable Metrics

Interest in spatiotemporal, kinetic, and kinematic gait data.

Prior Usage Insights

Recognition of the helpful insights from wearable gait analysis for injury prevention and sport performance.

The story concludes with the need for a tailored approach in wearable tech for gait analysis—devices that successfully balance usability, comfort, privacy, cost, and offer trustworthy data while enhancing the overall running experience for various user groups.

Interaction Preferences

Desire for easy data sharing across platforms and real-time feedback via mobile apps or dashboards.

User Interface and Interaction

User experience including interface design and real-time interaction capabilities.

Real-time Interaction

Wearable tech should provide real-time feedback and easy data sharing capabilities.

Data Presentation Preferences

Clear, intuitive visualization formats like graphs and detailed post-run analysis.

Interface Simplicity

User-friendly interface with intuitive access to gait analysis data.

Accuracy and Reliability

Assessing practitioners' trust in the precision of wearable technologies.

Perceived Reliability

Skepticism among researchers versus trust among regular users.

Importance of Accuracy

Crucial for clinical use but less so for basic activity tracking.

Confidence Levels

Varied confidence in wearable data accuracy; validation studies are essential.

Comfort and Wearability

Prioritizing comfort in the physical design for long-term wearability.

Expectations for Comfort

Devices must be comfortable for prolonged periods of use.

Design Challenges

Balancing compactness and functionality without impeding movement.

Usability and User Experience

Evaluating the ease of use and overall satisfaction with wearable gait tech.

Varied Experiences

Mixed responses ranging from technological excitement to concerns about complexity.

Positive Aspects

Motivation from tracking, remote rehab monitoring, and performance analytics.

Challenges and Dislikes

Issues with data overload, cost, and data misinterpretation.

Usage Patterns

Different patterns in the application of wearable technology for gait analysis.

Usage Frequency

Varies from daily activity tracking to specialized research applications.

Short-term vs. Long-term

Effectiveness for both immediate workout feedback and long-term trend analysis.

Battery and Charging

Preferences for long battery life and convenient charging methods.

Privacy and Data Security

Considering the protection of sensitive gait analysis data.

Privacy Concerns

The need for caution with personal and medical data shared from wearables.

Protection Measures

Encryption, secure storage, and user consent for data sharing.

Data Sharing Needs

Anticipated sharing with healthcare professionals for personalized healthcare.

Cost and Affordability

Balancing desired features with reasonable pricing and cost of ownership.

Reasonable Pricing

Balanced expectations between consumer-affordable and advanced clinical devices.

Acceptable Ongoing Costs

Mixed feelings about subscriptions; added features may justify costs.


Reflecting a range of views and the need for ergonomic user-centered design with valid data measurement for adoption in the running context.

Wearable Gait Analysis Technology

Exploring the multifaceted aspects of wearable tech for running gait analysis.

Introduction of Technology

Objective assessment and bridging research to practical application.

Objective Assessment

Integration into real-world usage scenarios for accurate data.

Research-Practice Disconnect

Addressing the gap between academic studies and field application.

Practitioners' Perceptions

Gathering insights on how practitioners view wearable tech.

Experience with Wearables

Varied understanding and usage levels among professionals.

Diverse Levels of Understanding

Ranging from novices to experts in wearable technology.

Usage Among Practitioners

The differences in how practitioners use gait analysis wearables.

Understanding Wearable Tech

Differentiating portable devices for activity-based data collection.

Identifying Wearables

Clarifying what constitutes a wearable device in gait analysis.

Portable Data Collection

Noting the mobility and convenience of wearables for data gathering.

Usage Variance

From occasional to regular use for diverse metrics.

Frequency of Use

How often practitioners use wearables for tracking and analysis.

Types of Data Collected

The variety of fitness and gait-related data points measured.

Motivation for Use

Driven by the desire for feedback, improvement, and prevention.

Feedback and Improvement

Using technology for enhancing running performance.

Injury Prevention

Preventing injury through analysis and corrective action.

Factors Influencing Use

Comfort, usability, and enhancement potential are key.

Comfort and Design

Importance of non-intrusive and comfortable wearables.

User Experience

Ease of use as a crucial factor for adoption.

Design Considerations

Aligning user expectations with comfort and technology.

Design Expectations

Practitioners' perspective on how wearables should be designed.

Technological Advancement

Incorporating the latest tech for advanced functionality.

Data Insights and Interaction

Metrics preference and UI/UX for better gait analysis.

Preferable Metrics

Valuing specific types of data such as spatiotemporal metrics.

User Interaction

Ease of data access and interpretation is critical for users.

Real-Time Feedback

Immediate analysis and sharing abilities are highly desired.

Accuracy and Reliability

How much trust practitioners place in the data provided.

Perceived Reliability

Differing trust levels between researchers and everyday users.

Importance of Accuracy

Vital for clinical decisions, less critical for general fitness tracking.

Comfort and Wearability

High priority given to comfort for extensive usage periods.

Expectations for Comfort

Devices must withstand long-term wear without discomfort.

Design Challenges

Creating a balance between form factor and functionality.

Usage Patterns

Investigating the varied applications of wearable technology.

Usage Frequency

Examining how often wearables are used for gait analysis.

Longevity and Effectiveness

Determining the effectiveness for both immediate and long-term use.

Cost and Affordability

Understanding what cost considerations influence adoption.

Reasonable Pricing

Finding a balance between advanced features and affordability.

Ongoing Costs

Evaluating how subscriptions and additional costs affect usage.

Data Privacy and Security

Ensuring sensitive gait data is handled appropriately.

Privacy Concerns

Advocating caution with the sharing of personal health data.

Security Measures

Implementing security features like encryption and user consent.


Reflecting on the need for ergonomic, user-centered design for successful adoption.
