
Revolutionizing Digital Art with DALL·E 2 asdf asdf asdf asdflkjasd fasdflkjas dlfkjaklsdfjasdf

  1. AWS provides a broad set of products and services which cover various sectors like computer, storage, databases, analytics, networking, mobile, developer tools, management tools, IoT, security, and enterprise services.

  2. It has a strong global presence, offering data centers around the world, allowing businesses to host their website in separate geographical locations.

  3. AWS ensures top-notch security for your data with their secure infrastructure and services.

  4. It provides scalable and flexible solutions that enable users to utilize the services according to their needs.

  5. Pay-as-you-go pricing model, enabling businesses to pay only for used services.

  1. The AWS platform is complex and requires a high learning curve, making it challenging for beginners.

  2. AWS can become costly as the scale of business operations expands due to their pricing model.

  3. There may be instances of outage or disruptions, leading to potential loss of access to data and services.

  4. While AWS provides services worldwide, it still has less coverage in certain regions, causing latency problems in those areas.

  1. Continued expansion of cloud services globally presents more opportunities for AWS to grow.

  2. There is increased demand for big data, machine learning, and IoT services which AWS could capitalize on.

  3. The trend of businesses moving their operations to the cloud for continuity and scalability gives AWS more business opportunities.

  1. Growing competition in the cloud sector, such as Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud, poses a threat to AWS.

  2. Risk of cyber attacks and breaches, coping with this threat could affect AWS's reputation and trustworthiness.

  3. Regulatory compliance in different countries can pose a challenge.

  4. Frequent changes in technology trends could require constant adaption and innovation, which may pose a threat if not promptly addressed.

The Pursuit of Excellence: Chronicles of Steve Jobs' Life and Accomplishments

Early Life



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Humble Beginnings and Surrounded by Electronics

Born on February 24, 1955 in San Francisco, California, Steve Jobs was adopted by Paul and Clara Jobs, who he considered his "real parents". Living in Mountain View, Steve was surrounded by the machinery and hustle of what is now known as Silicon Valley.

Drop-out From College

Jobs enrolled at Reed College in Portland, Oregon in 1972, but dropped out after six months. He continued auditing classes at Reed, while sleeping on the floor in friends' rooms, and eating at the local Hare Krishna temple.

The Start of Apple

The Apple I and The Apple II

In 1976, Jobs, along with his friend Steve Wozniak, launched their first Apple computer, the Apple I. It was a success and was succeeded by a far more popular model, the Apple II in 1977.

Departure and Comeback

Jobs was ousted by the Apple board in 1985. He founded NeXT Inc. and bought Pixar before his triumphant return to Apple in 1997 when Apple bought NeXT.

Under his leadership, Apple introduced the iMac, iPod, iPhone, and iPad, which revolutionised the technology industry.

Jobs also led Pixar to create the first ever computer animated feature film, Toy Story.

Health Battle and Death

The Fight Against Cancer

Jobs was diagnosed with a rare form of pancreatic cancer in 2003. Despite his deteriorating health condition, he continued to innovate and lead Apple until his resignation in August 2011. He passed away on October 5, 2011.


Through the transformative products he created, Steve Jobs revolutionized the technology industry and changed the way we experience the world, proving that a relentless pursuit of excellence can indeed change the world.







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Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs (1955-2011) was a co-founder of Apple Inc., an iconic figure in the computer industry, known for his innovation and attention to design.

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Early Life

Early Life

The early years of Steve Jobs, including his birth, adoption, early education, and the people and experiences that influenced him.

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Birth and Adoption

Early Education


Birth and Adoption

Steve Jobs was born on February 24, 1955, and was placed for adoption by his biological parents. He was adopted by Paul and Clara Jobs, who named him Steven Paul Jobs.

Early Education

Jobs was a curious and innovative student, although often challenging authority. He attended Homestead High School in Cupertino, California, where he was introduced to his future business partner, Steve Wozniak.







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Jobs was significantly influenced by his interest in philosophy and Zen Buddhism.

Understanding the NFT Marketplace

Gain a deep understanding of the NFT marketplace, including the top platforms, highest-selling artists, and popular trends. This can help develop a targeted promotion strategy.

Conduct market research to identify the target audience's preferences, likings, and commonly used platforms for trading NFTs.

Keep abreast with the latest trends and technologies in the NFT space. This could involve following relevant online forums, attending virtual conferences, and subscribing to industry publications.

Building a Strong Artist Brand

Create a compelling narrative around the artist and their work to build their personal brand. This could involve developing a unique selling proposition, crafting a compelling back-story, or even creating a unique artist avatar.

Engage in regular and effective communication with fans on social media to build a following and a community. This could involve sharing sneak-peeks of upcoming work, detailing the creative process etc.

Make use of artist collaborations or partnerships with well-known personalities in the NFT space to boost visibility.

Planning and Execution of the Promotion Strategy

Develop a timeline for the promotion plan, including any major announcements, artwork releases, and media appearances.

Utilize various promotional tools like social media ads, influencer marketing, content marketing, PR outreach, etc. Each tool should be strategically chosen based on its aptness for the target audience.

Review and adjust the promotion plan as and when required, based on the responses and results received.

Sales and Post-Sales Engagement

Carefully price the NFT pieces and consider auctioning some of the pieces to create buzz and potential price surges.

Develop a post-sale plan to engage and retain the buyers. This could involve special access to exclusive content, an invitation to virtual events, personalized experiences, etc.

Track the resales of the NFT works in the secondary market to understand their appreciation and use that data for future work's pricing and promotional strategy.

AI for Starting a Software Company

Once you've decided to start your own AI software company, it's important to develop a well-rounded set of skills. These skills range from technical, such as understanding machine learning, to business-related, like knowing how to market your product.

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Technical Skills

Business Skills

Soft Skills

Legal Knowledge

Technical Skills

These are the skills required to develop the actual AI software.

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Machine Learning

Statistics and Probability


Cloud Computing

Machine Learning

This includes understanding how to build and use models, which are the fundamental unit of AI

Statistics and Probability

These are important for understanding and interpreting the results generated by AI.


Languages such as Python and Java are commonly used in AI software.

Cloud Computing

Knowledge of cloud platforms, such as AWS or Azure, to run and manage AI applications.

Business Skills

When starting a software company, you also need entrepreneurial skills.

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Market Research

Marketing and Sales

Operations and Management

Market Research

Understanding market needs and how to address those with your product.

Marketing and Sales

Knowing how to sell and promote your software.

Operations and Management

This includes skills in project management, organising workflows, etc.

Soft Skills

Soft skills are crucial for leading a company and working with a team.

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Lead your team to bring out the best in them and direct them towards the company's goals.


Knowing how to communicate your ideas effectively is essential.


The AI field changes quickly. Being able to adapt and learn new skills is key.

Legal Knowledge

As you set up your company, you'll need to understand certain legal regulations

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Data Regulations

Intellectual Property

Employment Law

Intellectual Property

Protecting your AI software from copycats.

Data Regulations

Understand regulations like GDPR as AI usually involves handling data.

Employment Law

Understanding the laws when hiring and managing employees.

Recall: Supercharging Your Learning with AI-Powered Summaries

The problem: Information overload and inefficient learning

Our solution: Recall, your personal encyclopedia

Recall is a revolutionary, AI-powered tool that provides you summarized content from a plethora of online sources ranging from YouTube videos to blog posts to PDFs and articles.

Our algorithm takes the hassle out of manual categorization, providing consistent, succinct summaries for effective learning. You can review the content you save with weekly bursts to enhance retention.

All your content is stored locally on your device for offline access. You can also export your notes to markdown for easy interoperability.

Key features

Revolutionizing the way we learn

From key point summaries of podcasts and articles to automatic linking between new and existing content, Recall's Spaced Repetition System makes learning simpler and more efficient. The local storage feature ensures access to your notes offline, promoting flexibility and control.

Go-to-market strategy

Hitting the ground running

With a focus on the versatile browser extension, Recall will target knowledge-savvy users, online learners, professionals, and students initially. By leveraging digital marketing strategies, engaging in keyword specific SEO, and providing increased value through an intensive review feature, Recall expects user base expansion.

Partnerships and collaborations with educational institutes and online platforms will further amplify user acquisition rates. The essence of user privacy, local storage, and interoperability should enhance Recall's appeal and market penetration.

Paid premium features and subscription models can be introduced once a loyal user base has been established to generate revenue.

Market Size & Opportunity

Understanding the Playfield

The increased demand for online tools to enhance productivity and learning provides a timely market. In 2020, the global e-learning market was valued at $85.8 billion, with an anticipated CAGR of 7.9% from 2021 to 2028. With the integration of revolutionary AI technology, Recall is positioned to seize a portion of this growing market.

Vision & Future Plans

Recall strives to enable its users to learn, expand their horizons, and reach their objectives by promoting efficient assimilation of knowledge. The platform is designed to enhance the learning experience by delivering immediate, succinct, and conveniently accessible synopsis of content.

Future enhancements include the introduction of personalized learning paths based on a user's areas of interest and learning style. Recall also aspires to integrate with productivity tools and educational platforms to provide a comprehensive learning environment.

By deploying regular updates to improve user experience, Recall envisions becoming the go-to tool for efficient learning and knowledge management.

This is  Frame

Identifying Stakeholders and Goals

The first step in any project, AI-based or otherwise, is identifying the stakeholders and the goals. You need to know who has interest in the project, as well as what their expectations are.

Identify the end users of the AI system, the project sponsors, and others who may have a stake in the project's outcome.

Define clear and achievable objectives based on the needs and expectations of the stakeholders.

Assembling the Project Team

This involves determining the roles needed for the project and selecting appropriate occupants for each of them.

Pay attention to the individual skills and knowledge of each member. The team should ideally contain a mix of data specialists, machine learning experts, and software engineers.

Ensure there is proper alignment in terms of team dynamics. A poorly assembled team can lead to inefficiency and conflicts.

Work Breakdown Structure

This involves breaking down the project into smaller tasks. Each task should be defined such that it can be executed independently.

Use the kanban board to organize these tasks. Setup columns for each stage of progress ('To Do', 'In Progress', 'Done'). Each task card should move across the board as it progresses.

Prioritize tasks based on their urgency and importance. Ensure that urgent and critical tasks are done first.

Regular Reviews and Adjustments

Regularly review the project progress. This involves checking whether tasks are being completed as planned, and re-evaluating the timeline if necessary.

Adjust priorities based on new tasks, changing circumstances, or feedback from the project team.

Utilize the kanban board to visualize work flow and identify any bottlenecks or areas of delay in the project.

This is  Frame

Hitting the ground running

With a focus on the versatile browser extension, Recall will target knowledge-savvy users, online learners, professionals, and students initially. By leveraging digital marketing strategies, engaging in keyword specific SEO, and providing increased value through an intensive review feature, Recall expects user base expansion.

Partnerships and collaborations with educational institutes and online platforms will further amplify user acquisition rates. The essence of user privacy, local storage, and interoperability should enhance Recall's appeal and market penetration.

Hitting the ground running

With a focus on the versatile browser extension, Recall will target knowledge-savvy users, online learners, professionals, and students initially. By leveraging digital marketing strategies, engaging in keyword specific SEO, and providing increased value through an intensive review feature, Recall expects user base expansion.

Partnerships and collaborations with educational institutes and online platforms will further amplify user acquisition rates. The essence of user privacy, local storage, and interoperability should enhance Recall's appeal and market penetration.

Implementing the Kanban Board

Add headers to your columns in a logical flow. To start with, the most basic headers would be 'To Do', 'In Progress', and 'Done'.

Prepare cards or electronic markers like sticky notes if you are using a physical board. Each card represents a task to be done.

Make rules on how to use the Kanban board to ensure consistency. For example, there should be a limit on the number of tasks in the 'In Progress' column.

This is Column asdf klasdklfj asldjf lkasdjf klajsdfkl jasdf 

Header 1

Header 2

Header 3

I am quote

  1. Numbered point

This is inline code


import openai

print("Hello AI")

Header 1

Header 2

Header 3

I am quote

  1. Numbered point

This is inline code


import openai

print("Hello AI")

Header 1

Header 2

Header 3

I am quote

  1. Numbered point

This is inline code


import openai

print("Hello AI")

Header 1

Header 2

Header 3

I am quote

  1. Numbered point

This is inline code


import openai

print("Hello AI")

This is Column asdf klasdklfj asldjf lkasdjf klajsdfkl jasdf 

Maintaining the Kanban Board

Add headers to your columns in a logical flow. To start with, the most basic headers would be 'To Do', 'In Progress', and 'Done'.

Maintaining the Kanban Board

Completed tasks should be moved to the 'Done' column immediately to reflect real-time progress.

Always make sure that the 'To Do' column is populated with tasks to keep work flowing. Replace completed tasks with new tasks from the waiting list, if there is one.

Maintaining the Kanban Board

Check and update the board regularly. In a team setting, this could be done during daily stand-up meetings.

Completed tasks should be moved to the 'Done' column immediately to reflect real-time progress.

Always make sure that the 'To Do' column is populated with tasks to keep work flowing. Replace completed tasks with new tasks from the waiting list, if there is one.

Chat with AI

write a chrome extension

To write a Chrome extension, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new folder for your extension.

  2. Inside the folder, create a new file called manifest.json. This file is the heart of your extension and defines its properties. Here's an example of a basic manifest.json file:

  "manifest_version": 2,
  "name": "My Extension",
  "version": "1.0",
  "description": "A description of your extension",
  "browser_action": {
    "default_popup": "popup.html",
    "default_icon": {
      "16": "icon16.png",
      "48": "icon48.png",
      "128": "icon128.png"
  "permissions": [

  "icons": {
    "16": "icon16.png",
    "48": "icon48.png",
    "128": "icon128.png"
  "content_scripts": [
  "background": {
    "scripts": [
    "persistent": false

In the manifest.json file, you need to specify details about your extension, such as its name, version, description, and icons.

  1. Create a new HTML file called popup.html. This file will be displayed when the user clicks on the extension's icon. Customize this file to create your popup interface.

  2. Add any required scripts or stylesheets to your extension. These can be included in the popup.html file or added as separate files.

  3. Update the manifest.json file to include any necessary permissions or content scripts. Permissions are required for your extension to interact with certain web pages, while content scripts allow your extension to modify the behavior of web pages.

  4. Test your extension by loading it in Chrome. To do this, open Chrome and go to chrome://extensions/. Enable the "Developer mode" switch and click on the "Load unpacked" button. Select the folder where your extension files are located.

  5. Make any necessary adjustments to your extension based on your testing. You can reload the extension from the chrome://extensions/ page.

  6. Once you're happy with your extension, you can package it for distribution by compressing the folder that contains your extension files. This compressed file can then be uploaded to the Chrome Web Store or distributed manually.

Remember to regularly test your extension and keep it up to date with any changes in Chrome or any APIs it relies on.

this extension is used for summarize hacker news

To create a Chrome extension that summarizes Hacker News, you can follow these steps:

  1. Set up your extension folder: Create a new folder for your extension and give it a name (e.g., "Hacker News Summary Extension").

  2. Create a manifest.json file: Inside the extension folder, create a file named manifest.json. This file will define the properties and behavior of your extension.

    Here is an example of a basic manifest.json file for your Hacker News Summary extension:

      "manifest_version": 2,
      "name": "Hacker News Summary",
      "version": "1.0",
      "description": "Summarize Hacker News articles",
      "permissions": ["tabs", "http://*/*", "https://*/*"],
      "background": {
        "scripts": ["background.js"],
        "persistent": false
      "browser_action": {
        "default_icon": "icon.png",
        "default_popup": "popup.html"

    This manifest.json file specifies the extension's name, version, description, permissions, background script, and browser action (the icon and popup HTML).

  3. Create a background.js file: In the same extension folder, create a JavaScript file named background.js. This file will handle the background functionality of your extension.

    Here is an example of a basic background.js file for your Hacker News Summary extension:

    chrome.browserAction.onClicked.addListener(function (tab) {
        file: 'content.js'

    This code listens for a click event on the browser action icon and executes the content.js script.

  4. Create a content.js file: In the extension folder, create another JavaScript file named content.js. This file will contain the logic to summarize the Hacker News articles.

    Here is an example of a basic content.js file for your Hacker News Summary extension:

    // Write your logic to summarize Hacker News articles here

    This file will contain the code to analyze and summarize the content of the current Hacker News page.

  5. Create a popup.html file: In the extension folder, create an HTML file named popup.html. This file will define the content of the popup that appears when the user clicks on the extension icon.

    Here is an example of a basic popup.html file for your Hacker News Summary extension:

    <!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>Hacker News Summary

Hacker News Summary> <button id="summarize-btn">Summarize</button> </body> </html>

Customize this file to create your popup interface.

6. Create a popup.js file: In the extension folder, create a JavaScript file named popup.js. This file will handle the functionality of the popup.

Here is an example of a basic popup.js file for your Hacker News Summary extension:

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
  var summarizeButton = document.getElementById('summarize-btn');

  summarizeButton.addEventListener('click', function () {
    // When the button is clicked, send a message to content.js to initiate the summarization process
    chrome.tabs.query({ active: true, currentWindow: true }, function (tabs) {
      chrome.tabs.sendMessage(tabs[0].id, { action: 'summarize' });

This code listens for the 'click' event on the 'Summarize' button and sends a message to the content.js script to initiate the summarization process.

  1. Add icons and other required files: In the extension folder, add the necessary icon files (e.g., icon.png) and any other required files.

  2. Test and load the extension: Open Chrome and go to chrome://extensions/. Enable the "Developer mode" switch and click on the "Load unpacked" button. Select the folder where your extension files are located.

  3. Test your extension: Visit Hacker News and click on the extension icon. Verify that the summarization functionality works as expected.

  4. Package and distribute your extension: Once you are satisfied with your extension, you can package it for distribution by compressing the folder that contains your extension files. Then, it can be uploaded to the Chrome Web Store or distributed manually.

Remember to test your extension regularly and keep it up to date with any changes in Chrome or any APIs it relies on.

Maintaining the Kanban Board

Check and update the board regularly. In a team setting, this could be done during daily stand-up meetings.

Completed tasks should be moved to the 'Done' column immediately to reflect real-time progress.

Always make sure that the 'To Do' column is populated with tasks to keep work flowing. Replace completed tasks with new tasks from the waiting list, if there is one.

Maintaining the Kanban Board

Check and update the board regularly. In a team setting, this could be done during daily stand-up meetings.

Completed tasks should be moved to the 'Done' column immediately to reflect real-time progress.

Always make sure that the 'To Do' column is populated with tasks to keep work flowing. Replace completed tasks with new tasks from the waiting list, if there is one.

A list of XXX

Check and update the board regularly. In a team setting, this could be done during daily stand-up meetings.

Completed tasks should be moved to the 'Done' column immediately to reflect real-time progress.

Always make sure that the 'To Do' column is populated with tasks to keep work flowing. Replace completed tasks with new tasks from the waiting list, if there is one.





Header 1

Header 2

Header 3

I am quote

  1. Numbered point

This is inline code


import openai

print("Hello AI")

Header 1

Header 2

Header 3

I am quote

  1. Numbered point

This is inline code


import openai

print("Hello AI")

summarize it

Barack Obama, once a community organizer and U.S. Senator, announced his presidential bid in 2007. Outpacing the competition, he nailed the Democratic nomination. In a high-stakes race against John McCain, Obama triumphed with ease. On January 20, 2009, he stepped into history as the 44th President of the United States.

in 20 words

Obama won the Democratic nomination, defeated John McCain in the general election, and was inaugurated as the 44th President.

Chat with AI xxx

how did Obama became president

Barack Obama became president through a process that involved winning the Democratic Party's nomination and then winning the general election. Here is a brief overview of the steps he took to become president:

  1. Political Career: Before becoming president, Obama held various political positions. He served as a community organizer, a member of the Illinois State Senate, and as a U.S. Senator representing Illinois.

  2. Presidential Campaign: In 2007, Obama announced his candidacy for the Democratic Party's nomination for president. He campaigned extensively across the country, focusing on issues such as healthcare reform, the economy, and social justice.

  3. Democratic Nomination: In the Democratic Party primary elections, Obama competed against other candidates, including Hillary Clinton. Through a series of primary elections and caucuses held in different states, Obama secured enough delegates to win the Democratic Party's nomination.

  4. General Election: In the general election held on November 4, 2008, Obama ran against the Republican nominee John McCain. The campaign focused on issues such as the economy, foreign policy, and healthcare. Obama won the electoral college vote by a significant margin, receiving 365 electoral votes compared to McCain's 173.

  5. Inauguration: On January 20, 2009, Barack Obama was inaugurated as the 44th President of the United States. He was sworn in at a public ceremony in Washington, D.C., and delivered his inaugural address, outlining his vision and goals for his presidency.

Overall, Obama's journey to becoming president involved a combination of political experience, a successful campaign, securing his party's nomination, and ultimately winning the general election.

2021-1-12 - SC 1.pdf


Overcoming Obstacles: The Journey of Chinese Tech Entrepreneurs

The Problem

The Challenges Facing Chinese Entrepreneurs in Tech</header>

Chinese entrepreneurs often face difficulties in breaking into mainstream circles. There are few success stories from Chinese first-language speakers, and even those who do succeed, like Ivan Zhao and Eric Yuan, tend to remain low-key. There is also a perceived absence of creative drive and business models in the Chinese market. </text>

America versus China

Evaluating the Entrepreneurial Environments in the US and China</header>

In the US, typical successful profiles often include elite university degrees, experience at top-tier tech companies, and a burning desire to create. There is also the risk and challenge of navigating the system without a Green Card. </text>

In China, entrepreneurs are recognized as smart and hardworking. They have a strong desire to build products and there is a vast army of developers. However, the major hindrance is the lack of opportunities and an established business model. </text>

There is a need to find a way to mesh the creativity and access to opportunities in the US with the raw talent and drive found amongst Chinese developers. </text>

The Solution

Next Generation of VC and SaaS Builder: The Change Strategy</header>

To bridge this gap, a new generation of venture capitalists is needed who are open to earlier and more personal interactions. The key is to help Chinese Builders gain recognition in the mainstream American tech circle by presenting a strong image, showcasing achievements, and telling their unique stories. </text>

Breakthrough: The Underdog Incubators

The solution entails setting up 'Underdog Incubators'. This concept aims at validating the idea, developing it rapidly, releasing a product within 1-2 months, and then either shutting down or making a profit within another 2 months. </text>

Financial Gains and Profit

The financial model proposed includes having an investment of $1M, spurring from $50K invested into 20 projects. Limited partner (LP) investors could potentially earn returns from capital preservation projects, sales from projects with product/market fit (PMF), and from unicorn investments. </text>

Similarly, the incubator earnings could also project the same pattern of returns. An additional option to realize returns could be the sale of the company or project to a PE if the annual recurring revenue (ARR) reaches 5M or the bundling of various projects </text>

To validate this model, a case study of MyMap is provided. MyMap was able to go from $0 to a monthly recurring revenue (MRR) of $10k in just 45 days, with a current annual recurring revenue (ARR) of $0.2M, and a goal to reach $1M in 6 months. </text>


The Future of Chinese Entrepreneurship in Tech </header>

The journey of Chinese tech entrepreneurs is fraught with unique challenges, but with the right support system, strategic planning, and perseverance, the narrative can change. As they begin to penetrate the American market, tell their unique stories, and generate significant financial returns, Chinese entrepreneurs are beginning to surmount their mountain of challenges. </text>

Second Mountain

Discussing the ongoing problems faced by Chinese teams in the US tech industry, potential solutions and the concept of the next-generation SaaS builders.

1. The Problem

The challenges faced by Chinese teams in terms of gaining access to resources, creative output, managing oversupply and rapid industry changes.

1.1 Cultural Barriers

Limited successful examples and a tendency for Chinese individuals to maintain a low profile after achieving success.

1.2 US Market

Elite school profiles and creativity required. Risks include lack of green card leading to no early investment.

1.3 Chinese Characteristic

Traits such as smartness, hardworking, and willingness to build, but lack of good market opportunities and absence of business models.

1.4 Shift to SaaS Builder

Increased focus on smaller teams, less early investment, and faster profit generation.

2. Proposed Solution

Strategies to overcome these challenges and gain a stronger foothold in the US tech industry.

2.1 Role Model in Tech

The importance of having successful Chinese examples in the tech industry, similar to Yao Ming in basketball.

2.2 Engaging US Market

The need to portray a strong and successful story and to build strong alliances with US Venture Capitals.

2.3 Underdog Incubators

Focus on idea validation, rapid development, and product launching.

2.4 Financial Returns

Strategizing financial investments and expected returns

3. Proof of Concept

Demonstrating the practicality of these solutions through successful projects and revenue generation.

3.1 MyMap Case Study

Description about MyMap's growth from an MRR of 0 to 10K in 45 days.

3.2 Future Scope

The need for additional case studies, particularly with AI projects that have generated revenue.

Column 20

Chat with AI

I am Mia, your MyMap Intelligent Agent. I am an AI designed to assist you in generating visual content. How can I help you today?

Check and update the board regularly. In a team setting, this could be done during daily stand-up meetings.

Completed tasks should be moved to the 'Done' column immediately to reflect real-time progress.

Always make sure that the 'To Do' column is populated with tasks to keep work flowing. Replace completed tasks with new tasks from the waiting list, if there is one.

The Chronicle of Steve Jobs

Becoming Steve Jobs

Early Life

Steven Paul Jobs was born on February 24, 1955 in San Francisco, California to Joanne Schieble and Abdulfattah Jandali. He was adopted by Clara and Paul Jobs, who nurtured his early interest in electronics.

The Brainchild of Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs, along with Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne, founded Apple Inc. in the Jobs' family garage on April 1, 1976. They worked day and night to produce the first Apple I computers.

The Genius Unsettled

In 1985, after a power struggle with the Apple's board of directors, Jobs was ousted from the company he had founded. He then started NeXT Inc., a computer platform development company.

Though it wasn't commercially successful, NeXT was technologically advanced and attracted attention in the scientific and academic communities.

In 1986, Jobs also bought The Graphics Group (later renamed Pixar) from Lucasfilm's graphics division.

The Prodigal Son Returns

Apple Reacquires Jobs

In a strange twist of destiny, Apple bought NeXT in 1997, and Steve Jobs returned to his old company, first as an interim CEO and then as the CEO.

Jobs' return marked the beginning of Apple's resurgence, introducing a series of successful products like iMac, iTunes, iPod, iPhone, and iPad, which redefined multiple industry paradigms.

Under Jobs, Apple Inc. became one of the biggest tech companies globally, known for its innovation and design.

The Struggle Against Illness

Jobs was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in 2003. He fought a tough and long battle against the disease, which severely affected his health and work.

Legacy of Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs passed away on October 5, 2011. His demise left a vacuum in the tech world, but his legacy continues to inspire future technological advancements.

Jobs is remembered as an iconic figure who combined art and technology to create products that 'put a dent in the universe'.

In his memory, many institutions, awards, and buildings bear his name, leaving indelible reminders of his contributions to the world.
