
Fix and Flip Road Map: Path to Real Estate Profit

Examples of Exit Strategies in Real Estate

Renting as an Exit Strategy

Other Common Real Estate Exit Strategies

Fix and Flip Roadmap.docx

Introduction to Fix and Flip Strategy

Fix and flipping houses involves purchasing a property in need of repair, renovating it, and selling it for a profit. This visual story outlines the steps necessary to successfully execute a fix and flip real estate investment, from market analysis to property sale.

Identifying the Target Market

The target market impacts the buying price, renovation costs, and potential sale price. Consider economic and population growth, housing demand, crime rates, and nearby amenities like Starbucks or Target to gauge area potential. Multiple exit strategies are advisable for beginners.

Assembling Your Flip Team

Partner with a real estate agent specializing in investments and who possibly invests themselves. Expect fees around 3% which could reduce with relationship building.

Seek referrals for contractors from trusted sources. Pay no more than 50% upfront for renovations. Establish clear SOP for collaboration.

Hard and private money lenders vary in terms, but typically lend a percentage of the After Repair Value (ARV). Title companies handle the ownership verification, insurance, and closing procedures.

Property Analysis and Acquisition

Develop a "buy box" criteria for property selection. Look for properties that need repair but avoid ones with structural damage, such as fire or severe mold issues. Calculate ARV based on comparable sales in the vicinity.

Make several offers weekly, never exceeding your Max Allowable Offer (MAO) to retain profit margins. Earnest money deposits (EMD) show commitment and contribute to the purchase at closing.

Assess the property with licensed inspections and use findings to create a comprehensive Scope of Work (SOW) for contractors. Websites like Flipperforce.com can be useful for detailed analysis and project management.

Securing Funding

Establish a primary lender by demonstrating your deal's potential and your understanding of the market. Prepare for secondary funding to cover out-of-pocket costs like earnest money, closing, and rehab costs.

Consider creative financing options like 0% interest business cards, business loans, and personal cash reserves. Lenders may have a "seasoning period" for certain funds.

Understand the draw system for rehabilitation funding, where renovations are reimbursed in increments, and be ready to manage additional costs and interest payments.

Project Management

Coordinate with your team to ensure a smooth renovation process. Regular progress updates, managing utilities and finances, and staying on top of lender relations are key to a successful project.

Post-Project Completion and Sale

After completing the renovations, analyze the project's performance against projections, document outcomes, and derive lessons learned. Update all parties, reconcile finances, and prepare the property for sale.

Fix and Flip Road Map

Overview and steps for successful property flipping.

Identify Target Market

Finding the right location for investment.

Economic Indicators

Growth, demographics, demand, future plans.

Avoidance Tips

Real estate agents' insights, undesirable areas.

Big Company Presence

Using data from businesses like Starbucks and Target.

Exit Strategies

Preparing for positive cash flow through renting.

Assemble Flip Team

Creating a reliable team for flipping operations.

Real Estate Agent

Specialized in investor needs, provides ARV advice.


Sourced from referrals, follows payment SOP.


Consists of hard money and private money options.

Title Company

Ensures clear ownership and handles transactions.

Deal Analysis

Assessing properties for potential profitability.

Target Properties

Develop buy box based on criteria like year, price, and rehab needs.

Avoid High-Risk Properties

Skip over properties with significant damage or demolition needs.

ARV and Comps

Calculating ARV using comparable sales and property adjustments.

Offer Calculation

MAO= 70% of ARV minus repair costs.

Secure Funding

Obtaining necessary finances for investment.

Primary Lender

Demonstrate market and deal understanding.

Secondary Funding

Cover out-of-pocket expenses, EMD, and closing costs.

Rehab Costs and Draws

Manage contractor payments and draw requests from lender.

Holding and Financing Costs

Budget for insurance, taxes, utilities, and loan interest.

Acquire a Property

The process of making offers and closing on a property.

Making Offers

Strategies for offer amount, EMD, and terms.

Under Contract

Steps to take once the offer is accepted.

Finalize Purchase

Closing actions, including home inspections and contractor agreements.

Project Management During Renovations

Overseeing the flip from start to finish.

Initial Actions

Starting renovations, utility setup, and funding.

Ongoing Communication

Weekly updates and navigation of lender's draw system.

Financial Oversight

Utility bills, monthly payments, and accounting updates.

Progress Review

Ensuring integrity and resolving discrepancies.

Post Project Completion and Sale

Final steps after renovating and selling the property.

Review and Analysis

Evaluate initial projections versus outcomes.


Assemble and store project records.

Lessons Learned

Identify improvement areas for future flips.


Discovering the right properties for successful fix and flip ventures is a time-consuming and complex process. Factors like market conditions, property conditions, and financial risks add to the challenge, leaving investors unsure of where to start and how to proceed efficiently.

Real estate investors often struggle with assembling a reliable flip team which includes real estate agents, contractors, and lenders. Finding trusted professionals can significantly determine the success of the investment.

Investors face difficulties in accurately calculating the After Repair Value (ARV) of properties, leading to inaccurate offers, and either overpaying or missing out on potential deals due to uncompetitive offers.


Our comprehensive Fix and Flip Road Map provides a strategic approach to identifying lucrative markets, assembling an expert flip team, and determining the potential profitability of investments with precision.

We offer tools like internal closing checklists, detailed scope of work templates, and access to platforms like Flipperforce.com for analysis and project management, streamlining the entire fix and flip process.

Our road map includes innovative funding strategies such as 0% interest business cards and tips on securing primary and secondary financing, thus tackling the challenge of securing the required capital for real estate investments effectively.

Core Features

The Fix and Flip Road Map includes detailed guidelines on identifying the right target market based on comprehensive factors and assembling a dedicated flip team with roles, responsibilities, and best practices in collaboration and payment.

Go to Market Strategy

By focusing on offering in-depth market analysis tools, we aim to penetrate the real estate investment market. We will leverage existing real estate networks and online channels to deliver our unique value proposition to potential investors.

We plan on expanding our services by integrating advanced data analytics for market prediction, partnerships with established real estate platforms, and educational workshops to nurture an informed community of investors.

Continuous improvement of our road map through user feedback and market trends will enable us to adapt to changing real estate dynamics, ensuring a consistent competitive edge in the fix and flip industry.

Market Size & Opportunity

The real estate flipping market represents a significant opportunity with investors continuously looking for efficient ways to identify and transform undervalued properties into valuable assets.

Leveraging our road map, investors can save time and reduce financial risks, tapping into the billions worth of properties flipped every year and maximizing returns on investment in a systematic and reliable manner.

Growth of urbanization, increasing demand for renovated homes, and the trend of DIY home improvements further amplify the market size and opportunity for our fix and flip strategies and tools.

Vision & Future Plans

We envision establishing the definitive platform for fix and flip success, becoming synonymous with reliable and profitable real estate investment strategies. Our future plans involve incorporating AI and machine learning to refine property evaluations and predictions.

Identify Target Market

Factors For a Good Market

Assembling Your Flip Team

Choosing a Title Company

Define Target Properties

Estimating the MAO (Max Allowable Offer)

Rehab Costs and Scope of Work

Secure Funding

Making Offers

Steps After Offer Acceptance

Closing on a Property

Project Management During Renovations

Anticipate Holding Costs

Calculate Selling Costs

Finalizing the Flip

Post Project Review

Build in Multiple Exit Strategies

Financial Reconciliation

Document Storage and Management

Key Takeaways and Best Practices

Market Identification

Delve into economic indicators such as local economic and population growth to evaluate housing demand and inform market selection for property flipping.

Engage with real estate agents to understand market nuances and identify areas to avoid or target effectively, considering factors like crime rates and school quality.

Leverage insights from corporate presence such as Starbucks or Target within the vicinity as a proxy for assessing the potential of market growth.

Assembling Your Flip Team

Partner with a real estate agent who has expertise in investor relations and can provide essential services like deal sourcing and ARV advice.

Select a reputable contractor through referrals and ensure terms are clearly defined, avoiding full payment upfront.

Choose a dependable lender and understand hard money and private lending options, as well as a title company that can facilitate smooth closing transactions.

Deal Analysis and Property Acquisition

Construct a precise buy box criteria for target properties focusing on aspects like year built, price range, and required renovations.

Calculate the After Repair Value (ARV) using comparable sales and factor in rehabilitation and other associated costs to determine the Max Allowable Offer (MAO).

Strategize on funding options, including earnest money, closing costs, and financing strategies, and ensure thorough due diligence before making offers.

Project Execution and Finalizing the Flip

Establish a clear and detailed Scope of Work (SOW) for the contractor, informed by a licensed home inspection and the desired finish level.

Manage the project through effective communication, financial oversight, and regular milestone reviews with your contractor.

Once renovations are complete, perform a financial reconciliation, analyze project performance, and prepare the property for sale.
