
Malicious Software in EECS710 Information Security

Computer Security Malware and Countermeasures

Summarizing key concepts and protective strategies against malicious software.

Types of Malware

Overview of various malware classes and their characteristics.


Malicious code that attaches to host files and spreads to other systems.


Stand-alone malware that replicates across networks without user action.


Software tools that enable unauthorized access and control over a computer system.


Disguised as legitimate software, these programs create breaches for exploitation.


Malicious software designed to collect and transmit personal information stealthily.


Software that encrypts data, demanding payment for the decryption key.

Infection Methods

How malware breaches systems and spreads.

Email Attachments

Common method for delivering malware to users via deceptive emails.

Drive-by Downloads

Unintentional download and installation of malware from compromised websites.

USB Devices

Portable drives used to transfer malware between unconnected systems.

Phishing Links

Deceptive URLs designed to fool users into downloading malware.

Exploit Kits

Software tools that exploit security holes to inject malware into systems.

Social Engineering

Techniques used to trick users into voluntarily compromising security.


Strategies to defend against malware.

Antivirus Software

Programs designed to detect, quarantine, and remove malicious software.


Network security systems that control incoming and outgoing network traffic.

Security Updates

Regularly released software patches to fix vulnerabilities and enhance security.

User Education

Training to increase awareness of security best practices and threats.

Data Backup & Recovery

Methods to ensure data integrity and availability after a malware infection.

Intrusion Detection Systems

Tools to monitor networks for malicious activities or policy violations.
