
Belbin’s Team Role Theory

Understanding the Different Roles in Belbin’s Team Role Theory


Resource Investigator



Monitor Evaluator



Completer Finisher


Belbin's Team Role TheoryBelbin's theory describes different roles people can have in a team to make it work better.


Creative, imaginative individuals who solve complex problems but may neglect minor details.

Creative Problem-Solving

Generates innovative solutions and new ideas.


Approaches challenges unconventionally and thinks outside the box.

Communication Challenges

May struggle to convey ideas clearly due to preoccupation with thoughts.

Resource Investigator

Enthusiastic individuals who explore opportunities and network effectively.

Opportunity Exploration

Seeks new possibilities and expands the team’s horizons.

Networking Ability

Builds external contacts and brings information to the team.


Sometimes provides a too positive outlook, leading to unrealistic expectations.


Confident individuals who identify others' talents and set clear goals.

Talent Identification

Recognizes strengths within the team and utilizes them effectively.

Delegation Skills

Allocates tasks strategically to team members for optimal results.

Perceived Manipulation

May delegate personal tasks to others, leading to negative perceptions.


Individuals who perform well under pressure and drive team progress.

Dynamic Leadership

Motivates the team and manages obstacles proactively.

Overcomes Challenges

Faces difficulties with courage and determination.

Provocative Tendencies

Risk of offending others with directness and confrontation.

Monitor Evaluator

Analytical thinkers who assess options and make well-judged decisions.

Strategic Analysis

Evaluates all possibilities with a sober perspective.

Judgement Accuracy

Makes decisions based on careful analysis and sound judgement.

Lack of Drive

May not inspire others due to a more detached and critical viewpoint.


Diplomatic players who listen, mediate, and avert team conflicts.

Averts Friction

Maintains harmony within the team through diplomacy.

Perceptive Listener

Pays attention to others’ concerns and suggestions.

Avoids Confrontation

Shies away from making contentious decisions and may appear indecisive.


Practical organizers who turn ideas into structured tasks.

Efficient Planning

Converts conceptual ideas into actionable tasks.

Organizational Skills

Creates order and structure in team processes.


Struggles with adapting to new ideas, preferring tried and tested methods.

Completer Finisher

Conscientious individuals who attention to detail and aim for perfection.

Error Detection

Focuses on catching and correcting errors before completion.


Ensures tasks are completed to the highest standards.


Can worry excessively, impacting delegation and team trust.


Knowledge-driven experts who offer in-depth expertise in a specific area.

In-depth Knowledge

Provides specialized skills and insights that are otherwise lacking.

Commitment to Specialism

Focuses on the technical aspects with great dedication.

Limited Contribution Scope

Might not contribute broadly due to a very focused area of expertise.
