
Secure Your Cloud with Zero Trust

Zero Trust Architecture Use Cases

1. Cloud Platform Adoption

Implementing Zero Trust principles for cloud services.

Define the ZT Gateway

Set up access control points for safeguarding cloud environments.

Validate User and Entity Policies

Ensure strict verification before granting asset access.

Apply SAML Authorization

Use SAML for secure and seamless authentication.

Handle ZT Gateway Requests

Integrate ZT gateway with SAML providers for secure access control.

2. Staff Access Management

Control and monitor internal access to cloud or hybrid environments.

Monitor Root Account Access

Use MFA to oversee critical account access.

Administrators Implement ZT Policies

Enforce Zero Trust principles on accounts and services.

Hide Root and Subscription Accounts

Protect core accounts by policy-based concealment.

Reduced Visibility

Minimize public exposure to decrease potential attack vectors.

3. External/3rd Party Remote Access

Manage access for external service providers securely.

Leverage ZT Policies

Implement comprehensive Zero Trust controls.

Authenticate External Users and Devices

Carefully validate third-party access requests.

Determine Access Privileges

Give precise access based on necessity.

Prevent Lateral Movement

Restrict asset visibility to combat unauthorized access.

Reduce Supply Chain Risk

Diminish the threat landscape associated with third-party integrations.

Zero Trust Architecture Planning Considerations

Essential aspects to contemplate for effective ZT implementation.

Identify Critical Protection Surfaces

Focus on shielding the most sensitive areas first.

Expand Protection Gradually

Gradually extend protection measures organization-wide.

Prioritize Protection Surfaces

Strategically prioritize elements needing immediate defense.

Identify Projects with Critical Protection

Spot crucial areas requiring immediate attention.

Develop a Business Case

Justify the need and scope of Zero Trust measures.

Inventory and Asset Identification

Catalog data and assets systematically for protection.

Data and Services Location

Know where your data resides and services operate.

Classify Priorities and Inventory

Appraise entities or users and arrange an inventory list.

Steps for ZT Planning

Key actions to take when planning for Zero Trust readiness.

Understanding the Protect Surface

Comprehend and prioritize what needs to be defended.

Creating Inventory

List all assets through discovery tools and CMDBs.

Identifying Data Locations

Ascertain where data is stored and how it's used.

Service and Process Identification

Recognize and secure vital processes and services.

Definition and Planning for ZT

Clarify the concept and create a roadmap for Zero Trust readiness.
