
Air Standard Cycles

Air Standard Cycles

Air standard cycles are theoretical cycles representative of the operation of heat engines. They make a few simplifying assumptions, such as the working fluid is air, which behaves as an ideal gas.

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The Air Standard Carnot Cycle

Air Standard Otto Cycle

Air Standard Diesel Cycle

Air Standard Dual Cycle

Gas Turbine - Brayton Cycles

The Air Standard Carnot Cycle

The Carnot cycle is a theoretical construct for an engine with the maximum possible efficiency. It's made up of two isothermal and two adiabatic processes.

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Isothermal Expansion

Adiabatic Expansion

Isothermal Compression

Adiabatic Compression

Isothermal Expansion

During this process, the gas expands while absorbing heat from the source maintaining a constant temperature.

Adiabatic Expansion

In this phase, the gas continues to expand, but without any exchange of heat. This causes the gas to cool down.

Isothermal Compression

Here, the gas is compressed while releasing heat to the sink at a constant temperature.

Adiabatic Compression

In the last step, the gas is further compressed but without any heat exchange, thus increasing its temperature.

Air Standard Otto Cycle

It's most commonly used in petrol engines. Composed of four internal processes: two isentropic (adiabatic but reversible) and two isochoric.

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Isentropic Compression

Isochoric Heat Addition

Isentropic Expansion

Isochoric Heat Rejection

Isentropic Compression

Gas is compressed adiabatically, with work done on it.

Isochoric Heat Addition

Heat is added at constant volume, increasing temperature and pressure.

Isentropic Expansion

Gas is expanded, i.e., work is done by the gas.

Isochoric Heat Rejection

Heat is rejected at constant volume, bringing the gas back to its initial state.

Air Standard Diesel Cycle

Used in diesel engines, this cycle involves one isochoric, one isobaric, and two isentropic processes.

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Isentropic Compression

Isobaric Heat Addition

Isentropic Expansion

Isochoric Heat rejection

Isentropic Compression

Similar to the Otto cycle, the gas is compressed adiabatically.

Isobaric Heat Addition

Heat is added at constant pressure which differs this from Otto cycle.

Isentropic Expansion

Gas expansion, work is done by the gas.

Isochoric Heat rejection

Heat is rejected at constant volume, returning the gas to its initial state.

Air Standard Dual Cycle

The Dual cycle is a combination of Otto and Diesel cycles and is few times referred to as the Seiliger cycle. It represents a more realistic process than either the Diesel or Otto cycle.

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Gas Turbine - Brayton Cycles

This cycle is used for jet propulsion and for gas turbine engines. It differs from the other cycles in that the combustion process takes place at constant pressure.

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Isentropic Compression

Isobaric Combustion

Isentropic Expansion

Heat Rejection

Isentropic Compression

Gas is compressed adiabatically.

Isobaric Combustion

Heat is added at constant pressure.

Isentropic Expansion

The gas expands and work is done by the gas.

Heat Rejection

This process returns the fluid to the state it was in before compression, completing the cycle.

Fuel and Combustion

Study of different fuels and the science of their combustion, their properties and influencing factors on combustion.

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Fuel Types

Combustion Basics

Fuel Properties and their Determination Description of the key features of fuels and how they can be determined.

Stoichiometry of Combustion

Fuel Types

Different types of fuels used for various purposes.

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Fossil Fuels


Synthetic Fuels

Fossil Fuels

Explains about fuels like Coal, Natural Gas, and Petroleum which were formed from remains of living organisms millions of years ago.


Discussion about fuels derived directly from living matter like ethanol, biodiesel, and biogas.

Synthetic Fuels

Synthetic fuels like gas to liquid fuels and coal to liquid fuels are explored in this section.

Combustion Basics

Fundamental concepts related to the process of combustion.

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Defining Combustion

Types of Combustion

Phases of Combustion

Defining Combustion

Explanation of combustion as a sequence of exothermic chemical reactions between a fuel and an oxidant.

Types of Combustion

Here we discuss pre-mixed and diffusion types of combustion.

Phases of Combustion

Discussion about the three different phases of combustion - Ignition, Combustion, and Burnout.

Fuel Properties and their Determination Description of the key features of fuels and how they can be determined.

Ignition Temperature

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Calorific Value

Flash Point and Fire Point

Calorific Value

Definition and methods to calculate the amount of heat produced by combustion of a fuel.

Ignition Temperature

The lowest temperature at which a volatile material will vaporize to form an ignitable mixture in air.

Flash Point and Fire Point

Study of flash point as the lowest temperature at which vapors of a volatile material will ignite, and fire point as the lowest temperature at which the vapor will continue to burn for at least 5 seconds.

Stoichiometry of Combustion

Study of the reactant and product quantities in chemical combustion reactions.

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Combustion Reaction Balancing

Limiting and Excess Reactants

Theoretical and Actual Yield

Combustion Reaction Balancing

Learn how to balance combustion reactions to ensure mass conservation.

Limiting and Excess Reactants

Concept of limiting and excess reactants in combustion reactions.

Theoretical and Actual Yield

Clarify the difference between theoretical yield, the maximum possible product from a reaction, and actual yield, the amount actually produced in a real-world scenario.
