

Incorporating a Company in Hong Kong as a Foreigner

Foreigners can incorporate a company in Hong Kong by following these steps: 1. Choose a company name and conduct a name search 2. Appoint a local company secretary 3. Obtain a business registration certificate 4. File incorporation documents with the Companies Registry 5. Obtain any necessary licenses and permits 6. Open a corporate bank account 7. Register for taxes It is recommended to seek the assistance of a professional service provider to ensure compliance with all legal requirements.

Incorporation (in Hong Kong)

Choosing a Company Name

Insupps (Hong Kong) Private Limited

Appointing a Local Company Secretary

It is mandatory for every company in Hong Kong to have a local company secretary. As a foreigner, you will need to appoint a local company secretary who is a resident of Hong Kong.

Obtaining a Business Registration Certificate

After appointing a local company secretary, you will need to obtain a business registration certificate from the Inland Revenue Department. This certificate is required for conducting business in Hong Kong.

Filing Incorporation Documents

The next step is to file incorporation documents with the Companies Registry. These documents include the company's articles of association, memorandum of association, and other relevant documents.

Obtaining Licenses and Permits

Depending on the nature of your business, you may need to obtain licenses and permits from the relevant government departments. It is important to ensure that you have all the necessary licenses and permits before commencing business operations.

Opening a Corporate Bank Account

As a foreigner, you will need to open a corporate bank account in Hong Kong. This will enable you to conduct business transactions and manage your finances.

Registering for Taxes

Finally, you will need to register for taxes with the Inland Revenue Department. This includes registering for profits tax, salaries tax, and other relevant taxes. It is recommended to seek the assistance of a professional service provider to ensure compliance with all legal requirements.

Insect Protein Market Research

Here is a possible structure for your insect protein market research:


Introduce the topic of insect protein and its potential as a food source. Explain why research is needed to understand the market for insect protein.

Market Size and Growth

Research the current size of the insect protein market and its projected growth. Include information on the different types of insect protein products available and their market share.

Consumer Demand

Examine consumer attitudes towards insect protein and their willingness to try it as a food source. Look at factors that influence consumer behavior, such as price, taste, and health benefits.

Regulations and Policy

Investigate the regulatory environment for insect protein and any policies that may impact its production and sale. Consider both domestic and international regulations.

Competitive Landscape

Analyze the competitive landscape for insect protein, including major players in the market and their strategies. Look at barriers to entry and potential opportunities for new entrants.


Summarize your findings and provide recommendations for companies interested in entering the insect protein market. Discuss areas for further research.

Insect Protein Market Research

Introduction to Cricket Protein as an Alternative Protein Source

Cricket protein is a relatively new and innovative alternative protein source that has gained popularity in recent years. It is a sustainable and environmentally friendly source of protein that has the potential to address the growing demand for protein in the world. Cricket protein is a good source of protein as it contains all the essential amino acids required by the human body. It is also rich in vitamins and minerals such as iron, calcium, and vitamin B12.

Why Cricket Protein is Necessary for Future Sustainability

Cricket protein is a sustainable and environmentally friendly source of protein that has the potential to address the growing demand for protein in the world. It requires less water, land, and feed to produce compared to traditional livestock such as cows and pigs. Cricket farming also produces fewer greenhouse gas emissions and generates less waste. As the world population continues to grow, the demand for protein will increase, and cricket protein can play a vital role in meeting this demand while reducing the environmental impact of protein production.

Consumer Attitudes towards Insect Protein

Consumer attitudes towards insect protein as a food source are largely influenced by cultural and social factors. While some cultures have a long history of consuming insects, others may view it as taboo. Additionally, factors such as taste, texture, and appearance can also impact consumer attitudes towards insect protein.

Factors Influencing Consumer Behavior

Price, taste, and health benefits are key factors that influence consumer behavior when it comes to trying new food sources such as insect protein. Consumers may be willing to pay a premium for insect protein if they perceive it to be a healthier or more sustainable option compared to traditional protein sources.

Willingness to Try Insect Protein

Research suggests that consumers are generally willing to try insect protein as a food source, particularly if it is presented in a familiar and appetizing way. However, education and awareness campaigns may be necessary to overcome cultural barriers and increase consumer acceptance of insect protein.

Current Size of Insect Protein Market

The current size of the insect protein market is estimated to be around $200 million. However, this is expected to grow rapidly in the coming years due to increasing demand for sustainable protein sources.

Projected Growth of Insect Protein Market

The insect protein market is projected to grow at a CAGR of around 26% from 2020 to 2025. This growth is driven by factors such as increasing demand for sustainable protein sources, growing awareness about the health benefits of insect protein, and the rising popularity of insect-based foods among consumers.

Types of Insect Protein Products

There are several types of insect protein products available in the market, including whole insects, insect protein powder, and insect-based food products such as bars, snacks, and baked goods. Whole insects and insect protein powder currently dominate the market, accounting for the majority of the market share.

Regulations and Policy for Insect Protein in Hong Kong

Hong Kong does not have specific regulations for insect protein production and sale. However, the sale of insects as food is regulated by the Centre for Food Safety under the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department. Insects must be sourced from approved suppliers and meet safety and hygiene standards before they can be sold to consumers. Additionally, the import and export of insects for food purposes are subject to the Import and Export Ordinance and the Food Safety Ordinance.

Summary of Findings

The insect protein market is a growing industry with potential for significant growth in the future. Our research has shown that there is a high demand for insect protein due to its nutritional value and sustainability. Insect protein is also a cost-effective alternative to traditional protein sources. However, there are still challenges that need to be addressed, such as regulatory issues and consumer acceptance.

Recommendations for Companies

Companies interested in entering the insect protein market should conduct market research to identify potential customers and their preferences. They should also invest in research and development to improve the taste and texture of insect-based products. Additionally, companies should work with regulatory agencies to ensure compliance with food safety regulations.

Competitive Landscape of Insect Protein Business in Asia

The insect protein business in Asia is becoming increasingly competitive, with several major players in the market. Some of the major players in the market include EntoCube, Protix, and Ynsect. These companies have been successful in developing innovative products and expanding their market reach. However, there are also several barriers to entry in the insect protein business, such as regulatory challenges and high production costs. Despite these challenges, there are still potential opportunities for new entrants in the market, particularly in the areas of product differentiation and market segmentation.

Target Customers for Insect Protein as a Food Source

Insect protein as a food source is gaining popularity among health-conscious consumers who are looking for alternative sources of protein. The target customers for insect protein include: - Fitness enthusiasts and athletes who need high protein diets - People who follow a plant-based diet and need alternative sources of protein - Individuals who are looking for sustainable and environmentally friendly food options - People who are open to trying new and exotic foods - Consumers who are looking for affordable sources of protein Factors such as taste, price, and health benefits can influence consumer behavior towards insect protein.

Unique Selling Point of Insect Protein Powder

Insect protein powder is a unique and innovative source of protein that has several advantages over traditional protein sources. Some of the unique selling points of insect protein powder are: 1. Sustainability: Insects are a highly sustainable source of protein as they require less land, water, and feed compared to traditional livestock. 2. Nutritional Value: Insect protein powder is a rich source of essential amino acids, vitamins, and minerals, making it a highly nutritious food source. 3. Allergen-free: Insect protein powder is free from common allergens such as soy, dairy, and gluten, making it a suitable protein source for people with food allergies. 4. Versatility: Insect protein powder can be used in a variety of food products, including protein bars, shakes, and baked goods, making it a versatile ingredient for food manufacturers.

Areas for Further Research

Further research is needed to address consumer acceptance of insect-based products. Studies should be conducted to determine the most effective marketing strategies to promote insect protein as a viable protein source.

Comprehensive Business Plan for a New Insect Protein Business

Here is a comprehensive business plan for a new insect protein business:

Executive Summary

This section provides a brief overview of the business profile, including the company's mission statement, products and services.

Company Description

This section provides a detailed description of the company, including its legal structure, location, management team, and organizational structure.

Products and Services

This section provides a detailed description of the products and services offered by the company, including the types of insects used, the production process, and the nutritional benefits of insect protein.

Marketing and Sales

This section provides a detailed description of the marketing and sales strategy for the company, including target market, pricing strategy, and promotional activities.


This section provides a detailed description of the operations of the company, including the production process, supply chain management, and quality control measures.

Management and Organization

This section provides a detailed description of the management and organizational structure of the company, including the roles and responsibilities of key personnel.

Financial Projections

This section provides financial projections for the company, including revenue, expenses, and profitability.


This section summarizes the key points of the business plan and emphasizes the potential for success of the new insect protein business.

Business Plan

Company Profile

Insupps Private Limited is a company that provides high-quality cricket protein products. The company aims to revolutionize the protein industry by offering a sustainable and nutritious alternative to traditional protein sources. Our cricket protein products boast higher and cleaner protein content than traditional meat and whey protein, making them an ideal choice for health and fitness enthusiasts who prioritize their nutrition and the environment.

Mission Statement

The mission of Insupps Private Limited is to provide sustainable and nutritious cricket protein products that exceed expectations and contribute to a healthier and more sustainable future.

Pricing Strategy

The pricing strategy refers to the approach that the company takes to set the prices of its products or services. This can include factors such as cost-plus pricing, value-based pricing, or penetration pricing.

Promotional Activities

Promotional activities refer to the various tactics that the company uses to promote its products or services to the target market. This can include advertising, public relations, sales promotions, and personal selling.

Product Development with OEM

Steps to develop a product with OEM factory

1. Define product concept.

2. Identify Potential OEM Partners.

3. Negotiate Pricing & Terms

4. Sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) to protect intellectual property.

5. Collaborate with the OEM factory to design and prototype your product.

6. Packaging & Branding

7. Finalise Manufacturing Agreement

8. Monitor the production process to ensure quality and timely delivery.

9. Production and Quality Control for Insect Protein

10. Logistics and Shipping

11. Continuous Communication and Feedback

12. Quality Assurance and Customer Feedback

1. Product Concept Definition

Individually packed of 30g cricket protein of the highest quality and protein content. Include flavourings such as Peppermint, Chocolate, Peanut Butter. To specify full nutritional value per packet.

2. Identifying Potential OEM Partners

1. Research and identify potential OEM partners that specialize in your product category. 2. Check their experience, reputation, and certifications. 3. Evaluate their production capacity, lead times, and quality control processes. 4. Contact them to discuss your product concept and requirements. 5. Request samples and visit their facilities to assess their capabilities and compatibility with your business.

3. Negotiating Pricing Terms and MOQ with OEM Factory

When negotiating pricing terms and MOQ (Minimum Order Quantity) with an OEM factory, it is important to keep the following in mind: 1. Research the market to determine a fair price for your product. 2. Be prepared to negotiate and compromise on pricing and MOQ. 3. Consider the factory's production capacity and lead time when negotiating MOQ. 4. Ask about any discounts or incentives for larger orders. 5. Make sure all pricing and MOQ terms are clearly outlined in the Manufacturing Agreement.

4. Signing NDA with OEM Factory

To protect your intellectual property, you need to sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) with the OEM factory. This agreement ensures that the factory will not disclose any confidential information about your product to any third party without your consent. It is an essential step in the product development process.

5. Collaborating with OEM Factory to Prototype Product

To collaborate with an OEM factory to prototype your product, follow these steps:
1. Work with the OEM factory to design and prototype your product.
2. Test and refine the product until it meets your requirements.

7. Finalising Manufacturing Agreement

Finalising the manufacturing agreement is the last step in developing a product with an OEM factory. This agreement outlines the terms and conditions of the manufacturing process, including the production schedule, quality control measures, and payment terms. It is important to review and negotiate the agreement carefully to ensure that all parties are in agreement before signing.

8. Monitor Production Process

To ensure quality and timely delivery, it is important to monitor the production process. This can be done by setting up regular check-ins with the OEM factory to review progress and address any issues that may arise. It is also important to establish clear quality control standards and conduct regular inspections to ensure that the product meets these standards.

6. Packaging and Branding for OEM Product Development

When developing a product with an OEM factory, packaging and branding are important considerations to ensure the success of your product. Here are some steps to consider: 1. Define your target audience and their preferences for packaging and branding. 2. Work with a graphic designer to create packaging and branding that aligns with your product concept and target audience. 3. Collaborate with the OEM factory to ensure that the packaging and branding are feasible for manufacturing and meet any regulatory requirements. 4. Test the packaging and branding with your target audience to ensure that it resonates with them. 5. Finalize the packaging and branding design and incorporate it into the Manufacturing Agreement with the OEM factory.

9. Production and Quality Assurance for Insect Protein

The insects sold by manufacturer have been consumed in SE Asia for centuries and are completely safe for human consumption. They are manufactured to strict HACCP standards and processed in a clean and sterile environment.

10. Logistics and Shipping from Thailand to Hong Kong

To arrange logistics and shipping from Thailand to Hong Kong, you may need to consider the following steps: 1. Identify a reliable logistics provider that can handle international shipping. 2. Obtain necessary documentation, such as a commercial invoice, packing list, and bill of lading. 3. Ensure that your product is properly packaged and labelled for international shipping. 4. Arrange for customs clearance and any necessary inspections. 5. Monitor the shipment and communicate with the logistics provider to ensure timely delivery.

11. Importance of Continuous Communication and Feedback in OEM Product Development

Continuous communication and feedback are crucial in OEM product development to ensure that the final product meets the desired specifications. It helps in identifying and resolving any issues or challenges that may arise during the design and prototyping phase. Regular communication with the OEM factory also helps in keeping track of the progress of the project and making any necessary adjustments to ensure that the final product is of high quality.

12. Customer Feedback in OEM Product Development

Customer feedback is crucial in OEM product development. It helps to identify areas of improvement and ensure that the product meets the needs of the customers. The OEM factory should have a system in place to collect and analyze customer feedback. This can be done through surveys, focus groups, or other methods. The feedback should be used to make improvements to the product and ensure customer satisfaction.
